Thursday, October 18, 2018

5 Common Personal Injury Lawsuits

When an injury occurs, many wonder if they might have a legal case. Many lawyers specialize in personal injury cases and can help those injured due to the negligence of another party to receive due compensation.

What types of injuries are commonly handled by personal injury attorneys? Let’s consider a few of the most common personal injury cases. That way, should you ever find yourself in one of these situations, you’ll know that you have rights and that there are attorneys who can help you receive compensation for your qualifying case.

Personal Injury Cases

Car accident injuries. This is one of the most common types of personal injury cases. With approximately 222 million licensed drivers in the U.S. as of 2016, it’s no surprise that these injuries are so prevalent. Often caused by the negligence of other drivers, car accident injuries can result in loss of wages, quality of life, and high medical bills. If you are wondering what you can do if you’ve been injured in a car accident, check out our article What to Do After a Car Accident Injury to know what to do next.

Slip and fall injuries. Injuries from icy sidewalks and slippery walkways often make up these types of cases. Property owners need to ensure that their grounds are safe and that dangerous areas are clearly labeled. If the owner is negligent in these areas, a slip and fall injury could result. If you’ve been injured by the negligence of a property owner or their company’s maintenance crew, check out our page on slip and fall injuries.

Medical malpractice. This can happen when a medical professional doesn’t meet medical standards in their treatment or does not provide their patient with the proper care. It can be difficult to determine when malpractice has truly occurred since much of it is circumstantial. Medical malpractice can happen during a surgical procedure or in-patient or out-patient treatment. There are many resources available to help determine if you have a medical malpractice case, but the best way to be sure is to speak with an attorney.

Injuries while working. A bad work environment can lead to employees getting hurt or even developing an illness while at work. When this happens, medical and physical therapy bills begin to add up, not to mention the loss of wages. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be eligible for workers compensation. This could help pay for most, if not all of your medical costs and loss of income. Many attorneys specialize in workers’ compensation and can help determine if you have a case.

Animal bites. Most common among animal bites are dog bites. If you did not provoke the dog, but it bit you, you might have a case. However, remember that not all dog bites warrant legal involvement and states’ liability laws differ. You can find your state’s dog bite injury liability laws here.

Seek Legal Advice

These are only a few of the common personal injury cases that attorneys handle. It is by no means an exhaustive list. As we’ve discussed, personal injury lawyers handle cases where an individual was harmed due to the negligence of another person. If you feel that you fall into that category, don’t hesitate to contact a personal injury attorney.

The attorneys at Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A. in Minneapolis can help you with your personal injury case. Our qualified attorneys specialize in auto and personal injury, as well as workers’ compensation. Contact us today and let us help guide you through the legal process.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

How common are personal injury cases? The answer may surprise you. In a recent report, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found that there were roughly 2.9 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in the United States. Add to this the number of non-workplace personal injuries, and the figures become astronomical.

With so many injuries each year, you may wonder if your case is really serious enough to bring to court. How much should your case be worth before you pursue it? How can you determine how much your case is really worth?

Let’s learn more about how personal injury cases are valued so that you understand the process before starting your case.

Is My Personal Injury Case Really Worth Pursuing?

Many people are held back from pursuing a personal injury case because they don’t know if they’ll actually be compensated. What things should you keep in mind? And how will these affect the compensation you receive?

What If I’m Partly Responsible for the Injury?

Personal injury cases focus in part on determining who is responsible for the injury or damages. In some cases, both parties may share the fault. If you’re partly responsible for an injury, can you still be awarded compensation?

The answer is yes. In some cases, compensation can still be awarded to you. Insurance companies generally look for a percentage of responsibility to assign to each party involved. If it were determined that you were 15% responsible for an injury, then that 15% would be discounted from your compensation.

The key is that the other party must be in some way negligent in order for them to be responsible for providing compensation to you. If the other party wasn’t clearly negligent, then it may be beneficial to consult with an attorney to determine what your options are.

What If My Injuries Are Minor?

Even if your injuries are minor, it’s still possible to receive compensation. However, you’ll need to weigh your decision carefully. Receiving compensation at the very least requires you to file a claim with an insurance company, and at the most may require hiring an attorney, giving a deposition, and going through many grueling processes. If you feel the compensation isn’t worth the potential hassle, then you may decide not to seek compensation. To learn more, see this helpful guide from NOLO.

How Can I Find out What My Personal Injury Case Is Worth?

The compensation that you receive at the end of a personal injury case will depend on a variety of factors. Your total compensation number will come down to a combination of compensation types. Let’s look at a few of the most common ones.


  • Medical treatment. The treatment you receive immediately after your injury and physical therapy or additional treatment may be included in your compensation.
  • Lost income. If you’re injured, then it’s likely that you’ll miss work for several days or even months. In certain cases, you may be compensated for this lost income.
  • Property loss. If your property was lost or damaged due to an accident that you were injured in, then you may be entitled to compensation for it.
  • Pain and suffering. Pain and suffering experienced during or after an incident that caused your personal injury may also be included in your compensation amount.
  • Emotional distress. This distress is usually associated with more serious accidents that left you with fear, anxiety, or loss of sleep.


For example, if you were injured in a car accident, then you may be entitled to a few compensation types. The treatment for your immediate injuries and any ongoing therapy may be covered by your compensation. Additionally, if you missed several weeks of work as a result of your injury, that lost income may also be covered. And, if you lost any property in that accident, it may also be covered.

To find out how much your case is worth, you should first look at any expenses directly caused by the accident, whether these are medical bills or lost property. Then add to that any indirect expenses, such as lost income. Finally, if your accident was fairly serious and caused long-term harm, you may be entitled to additional compensation.

This will give you a basic idea of what your case could be worth. However, you should consult with a professional to create the most accurate number possible.

Don’t Miss out on the Compensation You Deserve

A personal injury can have far-reaching negative effects on your life. To make sure you get the compensation you deserve, contact one of our attorneys. We have more than 70 combined years of experience guiding injured clients through the legal process. We’re ready to work with you on your case to help you navigate this difficult process.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

There are times you know that you need a lawyer, like when you’re drawing up a contract or creating a trust fund for your kids. But what if you don’t know if you need a lawyer, like for personal injury cases? It might seem that all you need to do for a personal injury case is to report the incident to the insurance company and wait for reimbursement. Do you need a lawyer for that or can you handle it yourself?

In this article, we’ll examine what situations require a personal injury lawyer and how a personal injury lawyer can help your legal case.

When You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

It may seem easier, and cheaper, to deal with your personal injury case yourself, perhaps by contacting the insurance company or working out an agreement with the damaging party. But there are many times personal injury lawyers are needed to help you deal with your case. For example, if you’re in an accident where you have serious injuries, a personal injury lawyer can help you receive the compensation you need to pay your medical bills.

There are also certain types of accidents where personal injury lawyers are needed. For instance, if you are in a car accident, personal injury lawyers can help you get compensation from the insurance company for your medical bills and property damage. They can also help you fight your case in court if insurance refuses to pay or if they don’t offer enough compensation for your medical bills.

Personal injury attorneys can also help if you are in a slip and fall accident. They can fight your case in court and present evidence that the accident was the result of someone else’s negligence.

How a Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

There are many ways personal injury attorneys can help. Below is a list of areas a personal injury lawyer can help you to improve your case.

  • One of the most important ways is by understanding how the laws involved in personal injuries affect your case. Each situation is different, so having someone on your side who understands how your case is affected by the law helps you make the right decisions when you’re determining what to do.
  • They can help you get the amount of compensation you need from the insurance company. Sometimes insurance companies will only offer a fraction of the money you need to pay the bills from your injuries. Personal injury attorneys can negotiate with the insurance company for a higher settlement or bring them to court if they refuse to pay you enough money.
  • They have teams of investigators that can recreate what happened in a car accident or slip and fall accident to prove who was at fault. Insurance companies or private parties may try to get out of giving you compensation by saying the accident was your fault. Personal injury lawyers can have their group of investigators look at the evidence or recreate what happened to prove who was at fault and get you the compensation you need.
  • They can make sure that you have medical staff that can care for you and be expert witnesses in court. Personal injury lawyers can ensure that you have medical personnel that you feel comfortable with and can treat your injuries. They will also make sure that your medical staff can testify in court to explain the extent of your injuries.
  • They can help you give statements to insurance agents by letting you know how you should and shouldn’t answer. Personal injury lawyers can stop you from answering questions that are intended to trap you and help you give answers that are truthful, but not damaging to your case.

Where to Find a Good Personal Injury Lawyer

In this article, we’ve learned what situations you need a personal injury lawyer for and how they can help. But how can you find a good personal injury attorney?

At Robichaud, Schroepfer, and Correia P.A. law firm, we have multiple personal injury lawyers that can help you get the compensation you need. With years of experience, they can help you effectively present your case. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Personal Injuries?

If you are a homeowner, you know that your homeowners insurance covers most things that can go wrong. However, what if someone gets injured on your property and it’s deemed your responsibility? Does homeowners insurance cover that? Or do you need to buy supplemental coverage to protect your assets?

In this article, we’ll consider what types of personal injuries homeowners insurance covers, and when you may need to get additional coverage.

Personal Injuries Covered by Homeowners Insurance

The majority of homeowners insurance policies cover other people’s personal injuries on your property, such as someone slipping on your sidewalk because it’s icy. Personal injury coverage can be purchased by itself, but most policies include it. However, to be sure, you should always check your policy details.

Personal injury coverage protects you if someone’s injury is your fault and if you damage someone’s property. It also protects you when the injury or damage does not occur inside your property lines, such as if you accidentally bump into someone while jogging on a hiking trail and injure that person.

It’s important to remember that even though these are called personal injuries, homeowners insurance will not cover your medical expenses. In addition, personal injury insurance won’t cover injuries or damages that:

  • are intentional, such as keying someone’s car,
  • occur inside a vehicle, or
  • are caused by another vehicle.

For medical expenses or damages that occur while inside of a vehicle you’ll need different coverage. These are typically covered by your medical and car insurance policies.

When You Need Additional Coverage

Although most homeowners insurance policies cover personal injuries, they usually have a coverage limit. This limit means that if you are sued for a significant amount and your insurance will only cover part of it you may be personally liable for the rest. How can you protect yourself?

First, find out the details of your insurance policy. Homeowners insurance plans that cover personal injuries may have two types of coverage – liability coverage and medical payment coverage.

Medical payment coverage pays for the injured party’s medical bills regardless of whether the homeowner’s negligence caused the injury. Medical payment insurance often has a low limit. So, if the homeowner is found to be responsible due to negligence, the liability coverage can be used after the medical payment coverage is exhausted. Both of these types of insurance have limits for how much they will cover.

Second, fill in the gaps. If you have a lot of financial assets or your coverage limit is too low, you may need to purchase more insurance to protect your assets. You can get an umbrella policy or personal excess liability insurance that will kick in once your homeowners insurance is gone and cover the rest. This kind of extra coverage is relatively cheap compared to what you may lose in a lawsuit.

What to Do After a Personal Injury

If you have been injured by someone’s negligence, you likely have extensive medical costs or may have lost income due to missed work. How can you receive the compensation you need to make up for these unexpected costs?

At Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A., we have personal injury lawyers with years of experience. We understand how to help you get the compensation you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

Can I File a Claim Against Someone Else’s Homeowners Insurance?

If you’ve been injured or had property damaged due to someone else’s negligence, then you’re likely paying many bills to fix these issues. If someone else’s negligence was truly responsible for the problem, then it’s only fair that they provide compensation. How can you get the compensation you deserve? You may wonder if you can file a claim against someone else’s homeowners insurance to receive compensation.

In this article, we’ll discuss whether you can file a claim against someone else’s homeowners insurance and the steps you can take to help your personal injury claim.

Filing a Claim Against Someone Else’s Homeowners Insurance

If the homeowner has insurance, and you have reason to believe that the homeowner’s negligence caused your injury or property damage, you can file a claim against their insurance. If the homeowner doesn’t have insurance, you’ll have to file a lawsuit against them directly.

To file a claim, you need to find out what insurance company the homeowner has. There is no registry or legal record that will tell you what insurance company they have. So if the homeowner refuses to give the name of their insurance company, you will have to sue them to get the information.

After you’ve learned what company they’re insured by, you should file a claim against them as soon as reasonably possible. The insurance company may not take a claim that is filed too late, as they may think it was faked or that too much time has passed for them to investigate the incident. Some states require that the insurance company provide proof that too much time has passed, while other states don’t. After you’ve filed a claim, the insurance company will assign someone to investigate the case.

What You Can Do to Help Your Claim

You may think that filing the claim is the only thing you need to do to receive compensation, but unfortunately, this isn’t true. Because the insurance company doesn’t want to pay for the damages or medical bills from your claim, they will try to disprove it. There are things you can do to help prove your claim. Below are listed some steps you can take to help your claim.

  • Take pictures or video of your injury or property damage. You can also take pictures of anything that may have led to your injury or property damage, such as unsafe electrical wiring that caused an electric shock.
  • Obtain statements from witnesses. You can also get their contact information in case the claim goes to court.
  • Get copies of your medical records that pertain to the injury you received.

What to Do If You Need to File a Lawsuit

If the insurance company refuses to give compensation, you will need to file a lawsuit and hire a personal injury lawyer to fight your case. Where can you find the right attorney?

At Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A., we have multiple personal injury lawyers who can help you get the compensation you need. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: the exact method for filing a claim against another party’s insurance can vary based on a variety of circumstances. It’s best to consult an attorney before filing a claim.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

Monday, September 10, 2018

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury

If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you likely know the basic procedure – get to safety, take photos, exchange insurance information, and get a police report. (You can see a more detailed procedure here.) However, what if you’ve been injured? Car accident injuries, while some may seem inconsequential at first, can be a very serious concern. Let’s look at some common car accident injuries and what you should do if you have been injured.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Neck Injuries

Perhaps one of the most common types of car injuries that comes to mind is whiplash. It’s often seen in rear-end collisions and happens because the neck moves back and forth quickly and forcefully. While the symptoms of whiplash and other neck injuries may only last a few weeks, they should still be assessed by a healthcare physician.

Head Injuries

Another frequent and potentially serious type of car accident injury is a head injury. Especially common in high-speed collisions, head injuries occur when your head strikes against windows, dashboards, or the steering wheel. You should always seek medical attention if you have experienced a head injury. Even if you just experience a headache after a car accident, it could be a sign of a concussion or a traumatic brain injury.

Back Injuries

Car collisions can also cause back injuries. Back injuries include anything from mild muscle tension to herniated disks to extensive nerve damage. If you experience back pain or numbness in your body, you may have a severe back injury and should get it checked out by a doctor right away. Back injuries can not only affect your mobility and prevent you from working, but they take time to recover from and can be very costly to treat.

When to See a Doctor

Most people won’t hesitate to call 911 if they have obvious external injuries after a car accident. However, some injuries may be internal or their symptoms may be delayed. It’s possible to sustain an injury and not even realize it at the time of the accident. Later though, you may experience things like headaches, stomach pain, back pain, or even emotional distress. These symptoms could be a sign of something more serious.

If you wait a long time to address medical symptoms after a car accident, the underlying injury could get worse. In addition, if a lot of time passes between the crash and when you go to the doctor, it will be harder to prove that the injury was due to the accident. Insurance companies may challenge the claim and say that something else caused the injury. Therefore, it’s imperative that you seek immediate medical attention after an accident.

Document Everything

If you did get injured in a car accident, make sure to keep track of anything related to the accident and your medical treatment. To ensure that you have a strong insurance claim, hold onto the following items:

  1. Medical bills. Gather all of your medical statements, prescriptions, receipts for medical equipment (such as, crutches and canes) and anything else you’ve had to buy for your injury.
  2. Correspondence regarding the accident. File any emails, notes from phone calls, and written letters you’ve received from medical professionals while undergoing treatment for your injury.
  3. Travel expenses. You may have to travel long distances for your doctor’s appointments. Make sure to keep track of the mileage, parking fees, and hotel costs.
  4. Photos of the accident. Save all the photos you’ve taken of the accident in a safe place that can be easily accessed and shared with lawyers or insurance representatives.
  5. Proof of financial loss. If you haven’t been able to work while injured, document the wages lost.

In addition to these documents, keeping a detailed daily journal that describes the accident, your injuries, and how it impacts your daily life can help bolster your case.

Should I Get a Lawyer?

It’s a good idea to consult a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been injured in a car accident. Trying to get compensation for damages and medical bills can be challenging and stressful if you try to go it alone. That’s why the personal injury attorneys at Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A. are dedicated to understanding the unique circumstances of your case. We’ll guide you through every step of the legal process to ensure that you receive the maximum benefit you are entitled to. Contact us today by filling out the form below or calling 855-541-3016.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.

Steps to Take After a Car Accident

If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know how disconcerting it can be. So much happens in just seconds that it can be hard to comprehend what just took place, let alone know how you should proceed to ensure everyone’s safety.

We’ve compiled a list of things you can do immediately following a car accident to avoid further injury and prevent insurance issues.

Preventative Measures

Even though you’re not planning to get into a car accident, you still get car insurance in case it does happen. In the same way, preparing an emergency kit for your car can give you the resources you need if it does happen. So, what should you put in an emergency kit? Here are a few essential items to keep in your vehicle:

  • Important documents like car insurance information, health insurance information, and vehicle registration
  • First aid kit
  • Road flares and a flashlight
  • Jumper cables
  • Bottled water
  • A multipurpose tool to fix basic car troubles

Make sure to put these items in a clear container so that you can easily see where everything is. Also, secure the container so that is doesn’t open or fly around while you’re driving. These are just a few of the items to keep with you. You can find a more detailed list here.

Another preventative measure you can take is to keep a post-accident checklist on hand. Since the moments after a car accident are chaotic, a list of the steps you should take after an accident can be a great reference. You can include the following 9 steps on your checklist.

Ensure Safety

  1. Take deep breaths and try to calm down. This is much easier said than done. But, if you can calm yourself down, you will be better able to take charge of the situation. Remaining calm could be imperative if you’re in dangerous surroundings or if there are other people involved in the accident.
  2. Move to safety if necessary. If the vehicles are causing traffic problems, you may need to move them. Remember to take pictures of the vehicles and their placement before you move them (if it is safe to do so). This could be beneficial when determining who was at fault. If you can leave your vehicle where it is, turn on your hazard lights. You may want to use the road flares from your emergency kit to warn other drivers.
  3. Stop the vehicle and get out. Turn off the vehicle and make sure all individuals get out of the car if they’re physically able. Ensure that everyone is in a safe location away from traffic.
  4. Check for injuries and call 911 if necessary. Even if there aren’t any apparent injuries, consider the possibility that someone may have internal injuries. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to personal safety.
  5. Call the police. You may want to call the police if the parties involved in the accident are not cooperating or if they are arguing. It’s also a good idea to call the police because they can create an accident report that you can use for your insurance.

Remember: When speaking to a police officer, never claim fault or blame someone else for the accident. You want their report to be as objective as possible. And when asked about any personal injuries, never say that you’re alright. You may have unknown internal injuries.

Document the Accident

Take photos of everything. Use your phone to take pictures of:

  • Damage to the vehicles
  • Any injuries that occurred
  • The location where the accident happened (street signs, intersection, etc.)
  • Road conditions

Collect information. Use your phone or a pen and paper to record information like:

  • The name(s) and contact information of all of the involved parties
  • The name(s) and contact information of any witnesses
  • The driver’s insurance information, license plate number, and driver’s license number (if they let you)
  • The name and badge number of the police officer
  • Write down everything that happened right away. It’s a good idea to draw a diagram of the scene of the accident that includes where each vehicle was coming from. You can also keep a diary of what happened. The longer you wait to document the accident, the more you will forget. It’s best to record everything as soon as possible. Also, if you have any injuries, keep track of how you feel each day. This may come in handy for insurance purposes.
  • Contact your insurance and file a claim. Let your insurance company know about the accident and provide them with the police report.

Were You Injured?

Hopefully, these tips will help keep you and anyone else involved in the accident safe. You also want to fix the damages quickly and get the care you need. You can do this by being careful with what you say and thoroughly documenting the accident to prevent issues with your insurance company.

If you were injured in an accident due to the negligence of another person, you might have a personal injury case. It would be a good idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer right away. At Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A., our experienced personal injury attorneys are here to help. We listen to your concerns and help assess your situation to see if you have a case. Contact us today by filling out the form below.

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from Robichaud, Schroepfer & Correia, P.A.