Friday, March 16, 2018

Do I Have a Valid Personal Injury Case?

If you were recently the victim of an accident, injury, or emotional trauma, then you may be wondering what your legal options are. Unfortunately, not every injury entitles you to compensation. So, it’s important to think through everything that caused your injury before acting and make sure you have legal grounds for your claim.

What Are the Necessary Grounds for a Personal Injury Case?

In general, personal injury cases need to have two basic grounds. If your injury doesn’t meet these two conditions, then you may not have a case.

  • Is the harm clearly defined? If you can’t clearly show how you were injured, then it will be difficult for a judge or mediator to see how you were affected. If a doctor or another medical professional can verify that you’ve been injured or experienced trauma, then it’s likely that the harm is clearly defined.
  • Was the other party negligent in their duty toward you? For the other party to owe you compensation, they must have a pre-established obligation toward you. For example, a business owner has a responsibility toward their customers to keep their place of business safe. A driver on the road has a responsibility toward other drivers and pedestrians to follow traffic law. If another party failed to fulfill their obligation toward you, then you may have a personal injury case.

If you answered no to one or both of these questions, then we recommend speaking with a personal injury attorney. It’s possible that they’ll find something that you missed, which will allow you to pursue your personal injury claim.

If you answered yes to both of these questions, then it’s likely that you do have a personal injury case. What information should you gather before asking a personal injury lawyer to prepare your case?

Gathering Documents for Your Personal Injury Case

The next step in preparing your personal injury case is gathering documents that can act as evidence. If you want to make a personal injury claim, then it’s your responsibility to gather and present evidence with the help of your attorney. Completing this step is essential to presenting a strong case and will increase your chances of winning. The documents that you gather should include:

  • Official reports: When an injury occurs it’s possible that a police report was filed, especially in the case of a car accident. You should request a copy of this report, as well as any other official record of the incident. This may include an incident report created by a business-owner or a recorded statement submitted to an insurer.
  • Medical records: Having a full record of diagnosis and treatment received will help you prove that you were the victim of an injury or trauma. Request copies of your medical records, as well as any prescriptions or restrictions that were written by your physician.
  • Photographic evidence: Taking photographs of your injuries, the scene of the incident, and any other contributing factors can help establish your case. Gathering any relevant photos or security camera footage is also helpful if your case goes to court.
  • Witness statements: If there were other people around at the time of your injury, then you should get them to say what they saw in an eyewitness statement. If no statements have been made up to this point, then wait until you meet with your attorney. They’ll help you gather statements in a way that would be admissible in court.

Don’t skimp on your search. These documents will be used as evidence during your case and are key to receiving compensation. Thoroughly searching for each type of evidence will help you present a more complete case and increase your chances of winning.

Expert Minneapolis Personal Injury Attorneys

Our Minneapolis team includes many experts in personal injury law. We want you to receive the compensation and help that you deserve.

If you aren’t sure whether you should pursue your case, then contact us. We’ll review your case and any documents you have to help you understand the best way to proceed. Schedule a free consultation to get started.

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from Experienced Attorneys in Minneapolis MN | Robichaud & Alcantara Law P.A.

What to Prepare before Meeting with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Preparing for your meeting with your personal injury lawyer can help you get more value out of your meeting. You’ll be able to quickly get your lawyer up to speed helping you resolve the case faster and save money. What are the essential things you should do before going into their office?

Gather Evidence

If you want a successful resolution, then you need to have proof of your injury and the damages it has caused in your life. Here are a few things that can help strengthen your case:

  • Go to the doctor. If you haven’t visited a doctor, then you’ll have a hard time proving that your injuries were significant.
  • Organize your documents. It’s important to bring all of the documents related to your case to the attorney’s office. These documents could include medical bills, emails, photos, police reports, medications and other services you required due to the accident.
  • Find witnesses. If you there were any witnesses, then you should have their contact information on hand.
  • Take notes. Documents the ways your injury has affected your life, routine, and finances. Keeping a journal is also a good way to show how your injury is affecting you emotionally and psychologically.
  • Record important dates. You should organize all important dates related to the case in one place, such as the date you were injured, when you visited the doctor, and so on. It could be helpful to put these on a calendar or agenda for easy reference.

Prepare a List of Questions

You want to resolve the case quickly and be compensated fairly for your injuries. This means that you’ll need to entrust your case to the right attorney. Lawyers have a variety of specialities, so you’ll need to make sure they have the right skills for your case. Below are a few questions you can start with:

  • How many personal injury claims have you handled?
  • How many did you win?
  • Would you handle my case personally? If not, can I talk to the person who will handle my case as well?
  • Do you see any problems with handling my case?
  • Is there a maximum amount of time you’re willing to spend on my case?
  • Do you have any ideas for handling my case?
  • Would you bring in any experts to help prove my case?

Remember your goal is to find out if the lawyer is a good fit for you, so ask questions that are specific to your case. Personal injury cases aren’t always resolved quickly. By asking these questions, you’ll find someone that you can work with long-term.

Determine the Costs

No matter how you feel about discussing money it’s something you can’t gloss over. Your resources are limited and you want to make your money last until you get a successful resolution. Below are some common financial terms that can help you better understand the costs relate to your case.

Contingency fee: This is a percentage that the lawyer receives after resolving your case. Sometimes the lawyer won’t ask for any money up front and will work for the contingency fee. If you’re planning on working with this arrangement it’s important to fully understand the terms of the agreement. Ask questions about the total percentage and what happens if you lose the case.

Out-of-pocket expenses: These are the expenses that you’ll have to pay that aren’t covered by insurance or included in the contingency fee.

Carry the case: This is when the law firm is willing to wait for judgement on your case to receive payment.

Retainer: This is money you give the lawyer to guarantee their services. It’s a good idea to ask if you’ll get this money back after the case is resolved.

A good lawyer will make sure that you understand your arrangement with them and be transparent when talking about money. At Robichaud & Alcantara, P.A. we help our clients understand their options, and prepare to win their case. If you’re having trouble navigating your personal injury case, contact us for a free consultation today.

The post What to Prepare before Meeting with a Personal Injury Lawyer appeared first on Experienced Attorneys in Minneapolis MN | Robichaud & Alcantara Law P.A..

from Experienced Attorneys in Minneapolis MN | Robichaud & Alcantara Law P.A.